온도기록계, 48채널, YOKOGAWA MV2048 중고판매 > 온도기록계

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온도기록계, 48채널, YOKOGAWA MV2048 중고판매 > 온도기록계

온도기록계, 48채널, YOKOGAWA MV2048 중고판매 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 요꼬가와
품명 온도기록계
모델명 MV2048
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660

New MVAdvanced portable paperless recorders are high performance and easy to use test instruments that handle a wide range of measurements in your lab, plant, or test stand. MVAdvanced has powerful stand-alone data logging capability, and it connects easily to your network to bring your test data directly into your PC environment.

  • Multi-channel universal inputs
  • MV1000: up to 24 input channels
  • MV2000: up to 48 input channels
  • Secure, high capacity memory
  • Internal memory: 200 MB
  • Choice of Compact Flash and USB removable storage media
  • Removable input terminals simplify field wiring     
  • Lightweight aluminum construction (MV2000)
  • Choice of secure binary or versatile text data file formats
  • Advanced network connectivity with Email, file transfer, and web server functions.
  • Battery model runs up to approximately 13 hours.




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