스펙트럼 분석기 RSA3303A Tektronix Spectrum Analyzer 중고판매 > 전력분석기

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스펙트럼 분석기 RSA3303A Tektronix Spectrum Analyzer 중고판매 > 전력분석기

스펙트럼 분석기 RSA3303A Tektronix Spectrum Analyzer 중고판매 요약정보 및 구매

스펙트럼 분석기

품명 스펙트럼 분석기
시리즈명 RSA3303A
판매가격 전화문의
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스펙트럼 분석기

상품 상세설명

구매 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660

The RSA3303A is a 3 GHz Spectrum Analyzer from Tektronix. A spectrum analyzer measures the power of spectrums of known and unknown signals. Spectrum analyzers collect information such as the magnitude of an input signal compared to its frequency. As a frequency analyzer, spectrum analyzers’ main use is to document and analyze electrical input signals as well as spectral compositions of other signals.


  • Frequency range: DC-3 GHz
  • Frequency Aging: ±1 x 10-7/year
  • Frequency Stability: 1 x 10-7 (10 ºC to 40 ºC)
  • Total Reference Frequency Error: 2 x 10-7
  • Memory Depth: 16.384 Msamples
  • Bandwidth: 15 MHz
  • Modulation Analysis: AM, FM (ASK, FSK), PM
  • Triggering Modes: IF Level; Frequency Mask Trigger and Power
  • Real-Time Spectrum Analysis Provides Seamless Capture of Time-varying, Transient or Periodic RF Signals Not Possible with Swept Spectrum Analyzers
  • Time-correlated, Simultaneous Views of Time, Frequency and Modulation Domains Provide Greater and Unique Understanding of Signal Behavior
  • Spectrogram Provides a Revealing Picture of RF Signal Frequency and Amplitude Behavior Over Time – Not Possible with a Swept Spectrum Analyzer
  • Frequency Mask Trigger Makes It Easy to Capture Fast, Transient or Intermittent Signals that Swept Spectrum Analyzers Would Miss
  • Spectrum Analyzer Mode for Very Wide Span Analyses
  • Built-in Demodulators Enhance Analysis of AM, ASK, FM, FSK and PM Signals
  • Digital Demodulator Offers Affordable Vector Signal Analysis
  • Outstanding DC-20 MHz Dynamic range and Low phase noise mean you can make High-performance weak signal and phase noise measurements


  • Analog and Digital Modulation Signal Quality Analysis
  • Understanding Frequency and Spectral Occupancy Behavior Over Time
  • Capture and Characterization of Undesired, Unknown or Interfering Signals
  • Device/system Design or Operational Diagnostic Measurement
  • Getting Answers to Elusive EMI Problems
  • VCO/Synthesizer Design, RFID Device Characterization, General Purpose Digital Modulation Vector Signal Analysis, Spectrum Monitoring, Radar Measurements

Define issues and solve problems faster by characterizing your device, system or signal more completely and rapidly than previously possible with swept spectrum analyzers. Tektronix RSA3303A Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer captures many signals not viewable on swept spectrum analyzers by seamlessly capturing and storing a span of RF frequencies all at one time. Once a signal is captured it can be viewed simultaneously and analyzed in time-correlated frequency, time and modulation domains.

The RSA3303A instrument includes not only Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer fast-signal capture, internal memory and modulation analysis but also functionality and operation of a swept spectrum analyzer for looking at very wide spans, all in an integrated, transportable package.

Trigger, Capture, Analyze

You Can Easily Catch an Elusive RF Signal and Analyze It at Your Convenience
Sensitive and fast, RSA Series Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer triggering easily captures unknown, periodic or intermittent signals. Using the Tektronix exclusive Frequency Mask Trigger, you can configure a custom frequency domain mask including signal guard bands and levels then trigger on events isolated to a specific frequency or frequency range.

As signals are captured, they are automatically saved to RSA internal memory, making it easy to perform in-depth, time-correlated analysis across the frequency, time and modulation domains with no external computer required! Quick-to-set-up IF Level and Power (Span Bandwidth) triggers provide very convenient capture of signals in applications such as incident carrier-and-response interaction between two devices or burst signal carrier ramp up. Continuous Trigger Mode ensures a sequence of events are automatically captured into memory; you capture only the events and not time in between, maximizing memory efficiency and minimizing analysis time.

RSA Series Spectrogram uniquely shows time-varying signal behavior in frequency change/stability, spectrum occupancy, pulsed signal timing, power change and more


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