AC DC Electronic Load, 1800W, Chroma 63802 AC DC 1.8kW 전자로드 렌탈 > 전자로드

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AC DC Electronic Load, 1800W, Chroma 63802 AC DC 1.8kW 전자로드 렌탈 > 전자로드

AC DC Electronic Load, 1800W, Chroma 63802 AC DC 1.8kW 전자로드 렌탈 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 크로마
품명 AC DC 전자로드
모델명 63802
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

렌탈 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660





  • Power: 1800W
  • Current: 0-18Arms (54 Apeak)
  • Voltage: 50-350Vrms (500 Vpeak)
  • Frequency: 45 to 440 Hz, DC 
  • Crest Factor Range: 1.414 ~ 5.0
  • Power Factor Range: 0 ~ 1 lead or lag (Rectified mode)
  • Parallel/3-Phase Function
  • CC, CR, CV, CP for DC Loading
  • Constant & Rectified Load Modes for AC Loading
  • Analog Voltage & Current Monitor
  • Timing Measurement for Battery, UPS, Fuse and Breaker tests
  • Measurement:  V, I, PF, CF, P, Q, S, F, R, Ip+/- and THDv
  • Short circuit simulation
  • Full Protection: OP, OC, OT protection and OV alarm
  • GPIB & RS-232 interfaces

Chroma's 63800 Series AC/DC Electronic Loads are designed for testing uninterruptible power supplies(UPS), Off-Grid Inverters, AC sources and other power devices such as switches, circuit breakers, fuses and connectors.

The Chroma 63800 Loads can simulate load conditions under high crest factor and varying power factors with real time compensation even when the voltage waveform is distorted. This special feature provides real world simulation capability and prevents overstressing thereby giving reliable and unbiased test results.

The 63800's state of the art designed uses DSP technology to simulate non-linear rectified loads in a unique RLC operation mode. This mode improves stability by detecting the impedance of the UUT and dynamically adjusting the load's control bandwidth to ensure system stability.

Comprehensive measurements allow users to monitor the output performance of UUT. Additionally, voltage & current signals can be routed to an oscilloscope through analog outputs. The instrument's GPIB/RS232 interface options provide remote control & monitor for system integration. In addition, built-in digital outputs may be used to control external relays for short circuit (crowbar) testing.

Chroma's 63800 Loads also feature fan speed control ensuring low acoustic noise. The diagnosis/protection functions include selfdiagnosis routines and protection against overpower, over-current, over-voltage and overtemperature.




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