클램프 온 AC/DC 하이테스터 히오끼 3284 HIOKI 중고 후크미터 판매 > HIOKI

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클램프 온 AC/DC 하이테스터 히오끼 3284 HIOKI 중고 후크미터 판매 > HIOKI

클램프 온 AC/DC 하이테스터 히오끼 3284 HIOKI 중고 후크미터 판매 요약정보 및 구매

클램프 온 AC/DC 하이테스터

제조사 히오키
모델명 3284
판매가격 전화문의
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클램프 온 AC/DC 하이테스터

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660





20A/200A AC/DC Clamp Meters with Analog Output and Peak Hold for Inrush Measurement Applications
Hioki clamp on meters are best-in-class measuring devices incorporating Hioki's expertise in current sensing technology. The 3284 is an AC/DC current and voltage clamp meter with analog output capabilities and a peak hold function.



주요 특징

  • Analog output for current measuring level, current measuring waveform, or frequency measuring level.
  • Peak hold function displays the crest value of the inrush current occurring when electrical equipment starts
  • AC+DC mode enables measurement of the RMS value of full- or half-wave rectified waveforms


DC current20.00/ 200.0 A, Basic accuracy: ±1.3 % rdg. ±3 dgt.
AC current20.00/ 200.0 A, (10 Hz to 2 kHz, True RMS),
Basic accuracy : ±1.3 % rdg. ±3 dgt.
DC voltage30.00 V to 600 V, 3 ranges, Basic accuracy: ±1.0 % rdg. ±3 dgt.
AC voltage30.00 V to 600 V, 3 ranges, Basic accuracy: ±1.0 % rdg. ±3 dgt. (10 to 1 kHz, True RMS)
Crest factor2.5 or less (1.5 at 200 A, 1.7 at 600 V)
Monitor, Analog outputDC, or AC 1 V/ f.s., Level output, Waveform output: DC to 20 kHz bandwidth (±3dB)
Resistance, Continuity checkN/A
Frequency1.00 Hz to 1000 Hz, Basic accuracy: ±0.3 % rdg. ±1 dgt.
Other functionsAC+DC mode, Maximum/ Minimum/ Average value record function, Data hold, Peak hold, Auto power off, Auto zero
DisplayDisplay refresh rate: 4 times/s (FAST), 1 time/3s (SLOW), 4 times/s (bar graph)
Power supply6F22 (Stacked manganese battery) ×1, Continuous use: 25 hours, or AC adapter 9445-02/-03
Core jaw dia.φ 33 mm (1.30 in)
Dimensions and mass62 mm (2.44 in) W × 230 mm (9.06 in) H × 39 mm (1.54 in) D, 460 g (16.2 oz)
AccessoriesTest Lead L9207-10 ×1, Carrying Case 9399 ×1, Hand strap ×1, 6F22 (Stacked manganese battery) ×1, Instruction manual ×1


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