중고 오디오분석기 VP-7723B 판매 PANASONIC > 기타 계측기

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중고 오디오분석기 VP-7723B 판매 PANASONIC > 기타 계측기

중고 오디오분석기 VP-7723B 판매 PANASONIC 요약정보 및 구매

모델명 VP-7723B
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660



This series of Audio Analyzers is equipped with measurement functions of AC level, DC level, Distortion, Frequency and Wow & Flutter( Factory Option ). VP-7723B is equipped with a low distortion signal source. In addition to various filters including 20 kHz pre-LPF which are essential for digital audio measurement, the audio analyzers have pre-set memory, judgment function, auto sequence function, GP-IB and remote control interface. 



Audio signal oscillator

- 5 Hz to 110 kHz, 16.2 dBm(14.0 dBV, 10 V at open end)

- 0.000 5 % distortion(1 kHz typical value)high performance signal source

AC Measurement

-AC level measurement: The audio analyzer has a highly sensitive AC level measurement function with indication response selectable from V [rms] or V [avg]. Seven measurement ranges are provided; 0.316 mV, 3.16 mV, 31.6 mV, 316 mV, 3.16 V, 31.6 V and 100 V full range.

-Relative level measurement: Deviation measurement against reference level is available. It is applied to frequency characteristics and level ratio measurement. 

-Watt indication: By setting the imaginary load resistance (RL)across the input voltage, the power value is s calculated and displayed. Power=(Measured AC level l value)2/RL [watt] ] 

-S/N measurement(VP-7723B) : In this mode, the oscillator is turned on for a length of time(1.5 to 3 s)and the signal component(S component level)is measured. Then, the oscillator turns off and the noise component(N component level)is measured when the input of the DUT is terminated with the characteristic impedance. The S/N ratio is obtained automatically by calculating the output signal(S component level)and N component level ratio.

DC Measurement

-0.316 to 100 V full scale

-Available for +B voltage measurement.

Distortion Measurement

The audio analyzer is capable of measuring distortion factors of the fundamental signal over the frequency range of 5 Hz to 110 kHz. Input level ranges from 0.1 V to 100 V [rms]. Also a high sensitivity 3.16 mV range is provided for the dynamic range measurement of digital audio equipment.

Frequency Measurement

-Reciprocal type high speed counter is installed.

-This function is available in AC level, Distortion and Wow & Flutter measurement modes











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