차동프로브 중고제품 TEKTRONIX P5200A > 오실로스코프

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차동프로브 중고제품 TEKTRONIX P5200A > 오실로스코프

차동프로브 중고제품 TEKTRONIX P5200A 요약정보 및 구매

차동프로브 중고판매 TEKTRONIX

제조사 텍트로닉스
브랜드 Tektronix
품명 차동프로브
모델명 P5200A
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

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차동프로브 중고판매 TEKTRONIX

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


고전압 디퍼런셜 프로브는 테스트 지점이 지면에 있지 않은 테스트 지점 2개 간의 전압 차를 측정하는 데 사용됩니다. 텍트로닉스의 고전압 디퍼런셜 프로브는 신호를 최대 6000V까지 측정할 수 있습니다. 이러한 프로브는 커먼 모드 거부 기능이 있으므로 주로 비접지 기준, 플로팅 또는 분리 측정에 적합합니다. 이러한 제품은 텍트로닉스에서 설계, 제조 및 제공합니다.



P5200A 50 MHz, 50X/500X Attenuation High-voltage Active Differential Probe

  • Bandwidths up to 100 MHz
  • Up to 5,600 V Differential (DC + pk AC)
  • Up to 2,300 V Common (RMS)
  • Overrange Indicator
  • Safety Certified
  • Switchable Attenuation
  • Switchable Bandwidth Limit


  • Floating Measurements
  • Switching Power Supply Design
  • Motor Drive Design
  • Electronic Ballast Design
  • CRT Display Design
  • Power Converter Design and Service



The P5200A can be used with any oscilloscope and enables users to safely make measurements of floating circuits with their oscilloscope grounded. The P5200A Active Differential Probe converts floating signals to low-voltage ground-referenced signals that can be displayed safely and easily on any ground-referenced oscilloscope.

WARNING: For safe operation, do not use the P5200A High-voltage Differential Probe with oscilloscopes that have floating inputs (isolated inputs), such as the Tektronix TPS2000 Series oscilloscopes. The P5200A High-voltage Differential Probe requires an oscilloscope or other measurement instrument with grounded inputs.

The P5210A is a Differential Probe that is capable of measuring floating voltages up to 5,600 V safely and has a bandwidth up to 50 MHz. It is supplied with two sizes of hook tips and has an overrange visual and audible indicator which warns the user when they are exceeding the linear range of the probe. It can be used with Tektronix TEKPROBE™ interface oscilloscopes directly or with any oscilloscope with the use of the 1103 TEKPROBE® Power Supply.

The P5205A is a 100 MHz Active Differential Probe capable of measuring fast rise times of signals in floating circuits. This 1,300 V differential probe can safely measure voltages in IGBT circuits such as motor drives or power converters. It is specifically designed to operate on Tektronix oscilloscopes with TEKPROBE® interface. The P5202A is similar to the P5205A, but this probe has approximately half the attenuation and half the dynamic range of the P5205A and better signal-to-noise ratio.

Manufacturer Specs



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