중고 Agilent E4428C RF 시그널 제너레이타 판매 (ESG Analog Signal Generator) > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

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중고 Agilent E4428C RF 시그널 제너레이타 판매 (ESG Analog Signal Generator) > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

중고 Agilent E4428C RF 시그널 제너레이타 판매 (ESG Analog Signal Generator) 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 Agilent
브랜드 애질런트
품명 시그널 제너레이타
모델명 E4428C
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660



E4428C provides high spectral purity, level accuracy, output power, and analog modulation performance up to 6 GHz for all test needs. With the option 503, it features the frequency range of 250 kHz to 3 GHz. With the option 506, E4438C features the frequency range of 250 kHz to 6 GHz.
The E4428C is a 6 GHz RF Generator from Agilent. An RF generator is a tool engineers use to generate sinusoidal outputs while testing electronic equipment. The output will automatically have its frequency varied or swept between frequencies. A “sweep” is one complete cycle of a frequency variation. Engineers use RF signal generators as test equipment, mostly to measure responses of filters, amplifiers, and electrical components.

Key features for ESG series:
  • 250 kHz to 3 or 6 GHz (0.01 Hz resolution)
  • -136 to 17 dBm @1 GHZ and 10 dBm @ 6 GHz output power
  • ±0.5 to ±0.9 dB level accuracy (> -110 dBm)


E4428C is ideal suited for the test of CW, AM, ØM, and FM receiver and component signals in the cellular, ISM, and UNII frequency bands.



Frequency Range250 kHz ~ 6 GHz
Frequency Minimum100 kHz
Frequency Resolution0.01 Hz
RF reference input Frequency1, 2, 5, 10 MHz ±0.2 ppm
RF reference output Frequency10 MHz
RF reference output Amplitude4 dBm ±2 dB



 Additional Features:

  • 250 kHz to 3 or 6 GHz (.01 Hz resolution)
  • -136 to 17 dBm @ 1 GHz and 10 dBm @ 6 GHz output power
  • +/-0.5 to +/-0.9 dB level accuracy (> -110 dBm)
  • -134 dBc/Hz SSB phase noise @ 20 kHz offset, 1 GHz carrier (typ)
  • Enhanced phase noise performance (Option UNJ) ships standard
  • High-stability timebase: oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OXCO)
  • AM, FM, ØM, and pulse (may be simultaneously enabled)
  • Typical 6 ns rise/fall times and 20 ns pulse width
  • Dual internal function generators: sine, square, triangular, ramp, and noise
  • 10BaseT LAN and GPIB
  • SCPI and IVI-COM drivers
  • Backwards compatible with all ESG signal generators

The Agilent E4428C ESG analog signal generator delivers outstanding spectral purity, level accuracy, output power, and analog modulation performance up to 3 or 6 GHz for all general-purpose test needs. This makes the Agilent E4428C ESG a superb choice for general-purpose tests requiring CW, AM, ØM, and FM receiver and component test signals in the cellular, ISM, and UNII frequency bands.










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