스펙트럼분석기 임대 ADVANTEST R3477 SIGNAL ANALYZER 9kHz-13GHz, 어드반테스트 > RF장비(스펙트럼분석기외)

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스펙트럼분석기 임대 ADVANTEST R3477 SIGNAL ANALYZER 9kHz-13GHz, 어드반테스트 > RF장비(스펙트럼분석기외)

스펙트럼분석기 임대 ADVANTEST R3477 SIGNAL ANALYZER 9kHz-13GHz, 어드반테스트 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 어드반테스트
품명 스펙트럼분석기 대여
모델명 R3477
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

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 임대 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660






R3477 Signal Analyzer

R3477 is Advantest’s high-performance Spectrum Analyzer that has been developed to meet these requirements. R3477 Signal Analyzer achieves an average display noise level of –158 dBm and third-order intermodulation distortion (TOI) of +26 dBm. The wide dynamic range that they can measure is unprecedented. Their noise correction function enables measurement of a wide dynamic range of –86 dBc (representative value), especially useful in measurement of the adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) of 3GPP (W-CDMA). In addition to RF measurement, the R3477 has a broadband modulation analysis function (25 MHz bandwidth) as standard. By adding signal analysis options, each of which is dedicated to a different communication system, the R3477 provides expanded functionality and can be used as a transmitter tester.

Key performances are:

  • Frequency Range: 9 kHz to 13.5 GHz
  • Average Display Noise Level: –168dBm/Hz typ. (@1 GHz, preamplifier on) 1 dB compression point: >+6 dBm (200 MHz to 3.3 GHz, preamplifier off)
  • Third-order intermodulation distortion (TOI): >+21 dBm (1 GHz to 2 GHz)
  • Diverse options for modulation analysis available W-CDMA (HSDPA) cdma2000 (1xEV-DV)
  • Resolution bandwidth: 1 Hz to 10 MHz (sequences 1, and 3)
  • Sweep time: Zero span: 1 µs to 6000 s Span > 0 Hz: 2 ms to 2000 s











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