중고 애질런트 34901A, 20CH 멀티플렉서 > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

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중고 애질런트 34901A, 20CH 멀티플렉서 > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

중고 애질런트 34901A, 20CH 멀티플렉서 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 Agilent
브랜드 Agilent
모델명 34901A
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명


구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660



  • 20 Channel Multiplexer
  • Two- and four-wire scanning
  • 300 V switching
  • 60 ch/s scanning
  • Built-in thermocouple reference junction

The Agilent 34901A module for the 34970A Data Acquisition/Switch Unit is the most versatile multiplexer for general purpose scanning. It combines dense, multi-function switching with 60 channel/second scan rates to address a broad spectrum of data acquisition applications.

Two- and four-wire channels can be mixed on the same module. Two additional fused inputs (22 channels total) route up to 1A of current to the internal DMM, allowing ac and dc current measurements without the need for external shunt resistors.

Modules specifications
The Agilent 34970A accuracy specifications already include the switching offset and reference junction errors shown in the chart. These errors are listed separately for determining system error with external measurement devices. These errors are listed separately for determining system error with external measurement devices.

Up to three modules, in any combination, can be inserted into a single mainframe. The 34970A’s internal DMM connections are accessible only through the 34901A, 34902A, and 34908A low frequency multiplexers.

On-module screw terminals accept wire sizes from 16 gage to 22 gage. Twenty-gage wire is recommended for high channel count applications. The 34905A and 34906A RF Multiplexers use SMB connectors. A standard set of (10) BNC-to-SMB adapter cables is provided with each RF module for convenient BNC connections. 





Modules and accuracy specifications
Scanning Inputs
Analog34901A, 34902A, and 34908A multiplexer channels
Digital34907A digital in and totalize
Scan list Scans channels in ascending order
Scan Triggering
SourceInterval, external, button press, software, or on monitor channel alarm
Scan count1 to 50,000 or continuous
Scan interval0 to 99 hours; 1ms step size
Channel delay0 to 60 seconds per channel; 1 ms step size
External trig delay<300 µs. With monitor on <200 ms
External trig jitter<2 ms
Analog inputsHi, Lo, or Hi + Lo evaluated each scan
Digital inputs34907A digital in maskable pattern match or state change
34907A totalize: Hi limit only
Monitor channelAlarm evaluated each reading
Alarm Outputs4 TTL compatible
Selectable TTL logic Hi or Lo on fail
Latency5 ms (typical)
Battery backed, 4 year typical life1
Readings50,000 with timestamp
Readable during scan
States5 instrument states with user label
Alarm QueueUp to 20 events with channel number, reading, and timestamp
System Features
Per-channel MathIndividual Mx + B scaling and Min/Max/Average calculated real time
Power Fail RecoveryResumes scanning automatically
Relay maintenanceCounts each relay closure and stores on module User resettable
Real-time clockBattery-backed, 4-year typical life1
General Specifications
Power Supply100V/120V/220V/240V ±10%
Power Line Frequency45 Hz to 66 Hz automatically sensed
Power Consumption12 W (25 VA peak)
Operating EnvironmentFull accuracy for 0ºC to 55ºC
Full accuracy to 80% R.H. at 40ºC
Storage Environment-40ºC to 70ºC1
WeightNet 3.6 kg (8.0 lbs)
SafetyConforms to CSA, UL-1244, IEC 1010 Cat I
RFI and ESDCISPR 11, IEC 801/2/3/4
  1. Storage at temperatures above 40ºC will decrease battery life
  2. Software provided on CD-ROM and includes utility to create floppy disks for installation
  3. Interface and driver must be purchased and installed separately
  4. 90 MHz Pentium, 20 MB RAM
  5. Requires VISA command library for IEEE-488





















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