중고 오디오분석기 VP-7722A 판매 PANASONIC > 기타 계측기

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중고 오디오분석기 VP-7722A 판매 PANASONIC > 기타 계측기

중고 오디오분석기 VP-7722A 판매 PANASONIC 요약정보 및 구매

모델명 VP-7722A
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명


구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


The Panasonic VP7722A Audio Analyzer is a measuring instrument with functions to measure ten items including the frequency, level, distortion, S/N ratio, and signal average. One feature of the instrument is the measurement of distortion factor. The true distortion below the noise level which cannot be measured by conventional distortion meters can be measure using the digital signal processing techniques. This instrument can also perform a harmonic analysis for making it easy to measure extremely low distortion factors. 



2ch input
10Hz to 110KHz
Low distortion(typically:0.0001%)
0.0001% full scale distortion measurement
300uV full scale
S/N ratio:0 to 130dB
IMD measurement
Signal average
Frequency counter function



  • Panasonic's VP-7722A audio analyzer is used mostly when recording or performing music.
  • Using digital controls, the VP-7722A offers sound engineers automatic ranging and tuning, as well as the ability to test various audio devices for precision and range.

Plug your VP-7722A into outlet power. Connect an audio component like a receiver or CD player to the ports on the back of your VP-7722A, matching up the standard red and black plugs and ports.

Play a recorded track on the connected device, or tune it to a clear radio station. If you're plugging in an instrument, play a song you're fully familiar with.

Monitor the display for the audio analysis. The right side of the display screen shows, in order: frequency measurement; level measurement; distortion (broken into total distortion, harmonic distortion and harmonic analysis); IMD measurement; SINAD measurement; S/N measurement; ratio measurement; and average management.

On the left of the display, the top box will contain specific frequency details like hertz range, and the bottom box contains signal strength information.

Study the manual (available in the Resources section) about each analysis point to learn when it will apply and the ranges it should display for particular connected devices.

Connect various devices of a similar duty to compare output measurements. This will help you learn which devices are superior to others.


















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