중고 로직 아날라이저 판매 Agilent LOGIC ANALYZER 16802A > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

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중고 로직 아날라이저 판매 Agilent LOGIC ANALYZER 16802A > KEYSIGHT(AGILNET)

중고 로직 아날라이저 판매 Agilent LOGIC ANALYZER 16802A 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 애질런트(키사이트)
품명 로직분석기
모델명 16801A
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

dditional Features:

  • Logic analyzer configuration
    • 15-inch (38.1 cm) color display with touch screen available
    • 68-channel portable logic analyzer with up to 32 M acquisition memory depth, equivalent model with built-in pattern generator
    • Comprehensive single-ended signal support, threshold is adjustable in -5 V to 5 V (10 mV increments)
  • Timing analysis (asynchronous sampling)
    • 4 GHz (250 ps) timing zoom with 64 K memory
    • 1.0 GHz / 500 MHz (half / full-channel) conventional timing with deep memory
    • 500 MHz transitional timing
  • State analysis (synchronous sampling)
    • State clock rates up to 450 MHz
    • Data rates: up to 500 Mb/s
    • Automated threshold/sample position setup for accurate measurements on high-speed buses
    • Simultaneous eye diagrams on all channels identify problem signals quickly
  • Configuration considerations
    • Selectable memory depths: 1 M, 4 M, 16 M, 32 M
    • Compatible with 40-pin logic analyzer probes. Probes are ordered separately.

The Agilent 16800 Series portable logic analyzers deliver an exclusive combination of logic analysis, pattern generation, application software and innovative probing...all at a price that will fit your budget.


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