중고 플루크 LCR미터 PM6306 , 1MHz 판매, 중고 매입 > FLUKE

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중고 플루크 LCR미터 PM6306 , 1MHz 판매, 중고 매입 > FLUKE

중고 플루크 LCR미터 PM6306 , 1MHz 판매, 중고 매입 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 플루크
시리즈명 PM6306
판매가격 전화문의
(상기 금액은 부가세 별도입니다.)

제품관련 문서 / 파일

상품 정보

상품 상세설명


구입 및 기술문의 : 010-4221-0660


The PM 6306 is the most versatile RCL Meter, allowing testing at any Frequency up to 1 MHz. AC and DC test Voltages are continuously adjustable, and the PM 6306 has a built-in contact check function to ensure optimum connection. 



Maximum measuring ranges
- 50 Hz~ 1 MHz
- Impedance / Resistance AC Z or RAC : 0.0000½ to 200 M½
- Resistance DC RDC : 0.0000½ to 50 M½
- Capacitance C : 0.00 pF to 31.8F
- Inductance L : 0.00 μH to 637 kH
- Quality factor Q : 0.000 to 1000
- Dissipation factor D : 0.000 to 1000
- Phase angle f : -179 to +180 deg
- Voltage monitor VX : 0.1 μV to 2.00V
- Current monitor IX : 0.005 μA to 10.0 mA




  • Easy to use, at-a-glance display 
  • Computer-aided component testing
  • Component Binning RS-232 or IEEE-488 interfaces 
  • Internal or external bias 
  • DC test measurement option 
  • Nine front panel set-ups 
  • Actual component test voltage/current readback 
  • Automatic zero trimming 
  • Contact check and deviation mode Front panel test posts for immediate 4-wire measurements

















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